| 구독자 23명 |

Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Unwritten Symphony

The essence off all creation
They made all sound and mysic by
Being collided with each other
The sound of truth
You've never seen and heard

Close your eyes!
There is a touch of the sound of truth in everything
In a shiver of dying thorn of the rose
In silence of eyes when they're facing parting
In extinction of a last streak of sunshine
And candle on wind
In lamentation of time till the candlelight goes out
Not my ears, my soul listen to them

Can you hear it?
The music, be playing on the link of existences
Whisper of
The world's shadow the sun draws
And the wind
Be running through dying star
Symemtry of
The grave's lapse mist represses slowly
And moonlight's dance
Be shining on shaking cradle
There are numerous consonances in the invisible links

All of these can be note and rest
The wine glass's seriousness
Filled with wine from tears
The time's warmth, filled in dark rock under the sea
The future map's hope, the traveller draws
Before fell asleep
The red lake's wave the anther dust will be approached
All of these can be sound and score

I don't need any paper and pen
The sounds what my soul listen to, itself becomes score
Conduct itself, play itself
In complete harmony and play
There is more passionate life than
The composer of writhe
And brighter fervent than
The perspiration on any players

The symphony of truth, hotter than my burning soul
Music, the sound of all creation's essence and
Links of essence made
This is the symphony
The sound of essence what I found
It fills my spirit and world
The world of truth where you'll never reach
I fill my spirit and the world
With this world's symphony of truth

The essence of all creation
They made all sound
And music by being collided with each other
The sound of truth
You've never seen and heard.
I'll enter the world where this sound resounded
And compose the symphony by the sound of truth in this world

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