버츄얼유튜버 | 구독자 312명 | 비카라

[오리지널] 아이리스💎 - See the world

Let's see the world,

searching for the reason why I am myself

With fear, and with joy I've never felt before,

I'll sing out towards the sky




(映し出した) (私は今)


I could be kind or coldhearted,

but I don't know which choice to make

I know my heart is wishing for hope


Let's see the world,

searching for the reason why I am myself

With fear, and with joy I've never felt before,

I will start to walk

How many things will I learn?

How many times will I say goodbye?

Over the years, oh what will await? I can not foresee

I pray it will be a hope that is never fading

But what is my true hope?



(あるのならば) (いったい何を)


I could be kind or coldhearted,

but can I choose the right answer?

I know my heart is wishing for hope


Why me? (For what?)

Who am I? (For whom?)

If I was one or the other, it would be so easy

Can I believe myself?

Can I believe my two hearts?

I want to make the right choice for myself,

for people, for this world, all of life

Let's see the world,

searching for the reason why I am myself

Embracing fear,

together with joy like I've never known, I will carry on

I am hope, now I'm sure.

I'm more than just an angel or a demon

I was born as the only hope to save this world

A world so kind, (but sometimes cruel),

a world so loving, (at times lonely),

always beautiful

And I will not ever give it up


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