AI 이미지 메이커 Beta | 구독자 283명 | _ 루니Ai



Create a detailed illustration of a Barometz character from the Akazar World. The character should resemble a plant with fruit-like growths and have a soft, gentle appearance.

The main body of the Barometz is partially submerged in a sweet, fleshy fruit, which has tendrils extending outward for movement and tool use. The character's upper body, including the head and hands, is visible above the fruit, showing a humanoid form with delicate features and a soft, ethereal glow.

The Barometz has a unique aesthetic with plant-like elements, such as leaves and vines, integrated into their design. Their skin has a greenish hue, resembling the color of healthy plant life, and their eyes are large and expressive, giving them a serene and wise appearance.

The background includes the lush, fertile landscapes of Akazar World, with the inland city of Verometz visible in the distance. The city features a blend of natural and modern architecture, with buildings made of both organic and synthetic materials, harmonizing with the environment.

The overall atmosphere should be tranquil and harmonious, highlighting the Barometz's connection to nature and their unique existence as a sweet blessing in the Akazar World.


Ai 이미지 양식 (기본)

기본 파라메터: sampler Euler a, cfg scale 7, wh 1024x1024

모델: AAM XL (Anime Mix)

업로드 버튼 클릭 -> 전체공개

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