AI 이미지 메이커 Beta | 구독자 280명 | _ 루니Ai



Create a detailed illustration of the Barometz and their primary cities, Verometz and Tatar, in Akazar World.

**Character Description:**
The Barometz are unique beings with a plant-like appearance, resembling a blooming fruit with tendrils for movement and tool usage. Their main body is partially submerged in the sweet, tender flesh of the fruit. The Barometz have distinct. female forms, with their upper bodies resembling humanoid figures while their lower halves are embedded in the fruit. They have delicate, plant-like features, with floral and leafy accents, and a serene, otherworldly beauty. Illustrate a Barometz with soft, glowing green skin, leafy hair, and flower petals adorning their form. Their tendrils are used for movement and interaction with the environment.

**City of Verometz:**
Depict Verometz as an inland city, characterized by advanced architecture that blends organic and futuristic styles. The buildings have a floral and plant-like aesthetic, seamlessly integrated with the natural surroundings. The city is lush with greenery, with many public spaces filled with vibrant gardens and parks. Highlight the presence of the Barometz's main political and administrative buildings, such as the Barometz Military-Civil Administration's headquarters and the 9th Sweet Legion's command center. The city should also feature a bustling airport, showing the influx of adventurers and tourists.

**City of Tatar:**
Illustrate Tatar as a coastal harbor city, formerly a simple fishing village, now transformed into a vital trade hub. The harbor is busy with ships and trading vessels, with modern docks and warehouses alongside traditional fishing boats. The city's architecture reflects a mix of Barometz's organic design and the functional structures needed for trade and industry. Show the local residents, including both Barometz and allied species, engaging in commerce and daily activities. Emphasize the improved infrastructure, such as well-maintained roads, public amenities, and vibrant marketplaces, illustrating the city's economic growth and development under Barometz influence.

The overall atmosphere should convey a harmonious blend of nature and advanced civilization, with the Barometz as the central figures in their unique, sweet, and blessed domain.


Ai 이미지 양식 (기본)

기본 파라메터: sampler Euler a, cfg scale 7, wh 1024x1024

모델: AAM XL (Anime Mix)

업로드 버튼 클릭 -> 전체공개

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