AI 이미지 메이커 Beta | 구독자 280명 | _ 루니Ai



A mystical winter forest setting in the northwestern region of Akazar World, home to the Prožiteli tribe. The scene features three main cities: Vernost, Nadeje, and Popravište.

In the center is Vernost, a city made of ice and wood, with structures blending medieval and Inuit-inspired architecture. The city's heart is the meeting place of the Nine Councilors, who receive prophetic visions from the original Prožitel.

Nadeje, located near the North Gate, is a fortified city with PS peacekeepers and Executioners preparing to defend against the invading Džemaje from the gate. The city is surrounded by frozen seas and harsh winter landscapes.

Popravište, in the southern part of the Hare Winter Forest, is a beautiful tourist city with elegant buildings and PS offices. It is a hub of cultural exchange and economic activity, supported by the North Rodrania Republic.

The Prožiteli are depicted with blue eyes, white hair, and 19 vine-like tails. They have an ethereal appearance, with their dark red forms cloaked in white garments. Their mystical abilities are illustrated with faint blue mist emanating from their mouths, symbolizing their power to foresee the future and induce hallucinations.

The image captures the Prožiteli's unique blend of mysticism, survivalism, and their struggle against the invading Džemaje, highlighting the beauty and mystery of their winter forest home.


Ai 이미지 양식 (기본)

기본 파라메터: sampler Euler a, cfg scale 7, wh 1024x1024

모델: AAM XL (Anime Mix)

업로드 버튼 클릭 -> 전체공개

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