AI 이미지 메이커 Beta | 구독자 281명 | _ 루니Ai



Above the clouds, the stars in the heavenly expanse seem to take on an even more magical quality. As if painted by an artist's brush, they sparkle with an ethereal brilliance that transcends the earthly realm. The wispy tendrils of the clouds weave their way through the vastness of the night sky, adding an element of mystique to the scene.


Ai 이미지 양식 (기본)

기본 파라메터: sampler DPM++ 2M Karras, hires ture, hr_second_pass_steps 20, denoising strength 0.5, cfg scale 7, wh 1024x1024

라이센스: creativeml-openrail-m

모델: AbyssOrangeMix3 (AOM3)

업로드 버튼 클릭 -> 전체공개

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