Where are these silent faces (I took them all)
They all went away (Now you're alone)
To turn out every light so deep in me
Hold on, too late
Will I ever see them back again
Or did they all die by my hand
Or were they killed
By the old evil ghost
Who had taken
The ocean
Of all my dreams
Which were worth to keep
Deep inside my heart
I wish I
Could get them back
From the everflow
Before they'll fade away
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Out of the dark back to the light
Then I'll break down the walls around my heart
Imaginations from the other side
Where's the ocean's daughter
Was Peter Pan in Mordor
No one's there to keep alive
All these fairy tales
May I return to Oz
Will I meet the "Tin Man"
"Coward Lion" where are you
Without brain the scarecrow's lost
In the middle of the lake
Stranded in the real world
Left in a world
No place for daydreams
Serious life
I fall into
I fall into a dark hole
And I can't come out
Do you know if Merlin did exist
Or Frodo wore the ring
Did Corum kill the gods
Or where's the wonderland
Which young Alice had seen
Or was it just a dream
I knew the answers
Now they're lost for me
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Out of the dark back to the light
Then I'll break down the walls around my heart
Imaginations from the other side
I hope there is a way back
With my talisman
So I look into myself
Into the days when I was just a child
Come follow me to wonderland
And see the tale that never ends
Don't fear the lion nor the witch
I can't come back
I'm lost but still I know
There is another world
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Imaginations from the other side
(Far out of nowhere, it got back to my mind)
Out of the dark back to the light
Then I'll break down the walls around my heart
Imaginations from the other side
록 | 구독자 23명 |
2025.02.16 (22:02:20)
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