| 구독자 23명 |

Memnoch - Memnoch

In the Savage Garden you shine beautifully, my friend
You walk as if it is your garden to do with as you please
And in my wanderings, I always return to you
I always return to see the colors of the garden in your shadow

I just want to get out of this terrible situation
When I'm killing myself again and again
Murder, never imagined making a detailed picture
However, the only sure and fast thing is suicide
At last. Suicide

I saw the light, saw the myriad spirits flying loose up the Tunnel towards the celestial blaze

The Tunnel perfectly round and widening as the rose and for one blessed moment

One blessed tiny instant, the songs of Heaven resounded down the tunnel

Where is the hell? The Hell is here
This place that God has given up
The only thing I can do is

To have seraphic retaliation

A hypocritical life

Only the crucifix revenge will be waiting

Getting sleepy

The hand of salvation is invisible

No more exit

Shackled and irreversible life

Future will never change
Everything is meaningless

Only obsolete contrition

Everything is meaningless

Rest in the shadows that are looming

Don't cry, tired soul

Bright false tears will ruin you
Don't cry, poor soul

I'll give you new opportunity

Have you ever felt really hurt?
Have you ever truly regretted, reflected, and asked for forgiveness?
I'll save you and not wait to see your light, your dirty mind and
greedy hope for yourself thrown into hell

Believe in angels? Then believe in Satan
Believe in me. There are worse things on earth
Maybe this is madness. Maybe that's what Hell is
How could anyone love Him?
What did you just tell me yourself about the world?
Don't you see, everybody hates God now
It's not that God is dead in the twentieth century
It's that everybody hates Him
Come with me. Just listen to me
Don't leave me alone. God, why didn't you make us all Satan?

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