| 구독자 23명 |

Agnes - Mammon

Even though breathing, you have to spend your money
Even though loving one, you can't without money
Money is the way, the truth
Without it, your life can't help being miserable

Even though working hard, you can't save money
Even reveling away, he has more than yesterday
Money will beget money
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

Worship the Mammon
No one can serve the two masters all

Money reigns supreme in the world
And in your mind
Mammon's stealing your love and life

You can't be treated for sickness without it
"First served" is not given to first come but to it
Money is the life, the first
It's likely to solve all, but it causes all concerns

Money reigns supreme in the world
And in your mind
Mammon's stealing your love and life

Some people kill for money
While others kill themselves for lack of money
It can be the case of you

Why don't you get away from Mammon
No one can serve the two masters all

Money reigns supreme in the world
And in your mind
Mammon's stealing your love and life

In the end we will face the end
Inhuman world
Mammon's stealing your love and life

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